Guided visulizations are fantastic to get into deep relaxation and to access your imagination. For me, its a big improvement already. # I mean like where did I put my keys?..they were with me 30 sec ago Leading with Mental Ideas If youre having trouble to imagine the right colors then you may want try working with solid colors only. Even if you initially see nothing, internally describe details. I have practiced it every day and seen little improvement. It leaves you with a feeling that youre missing something. Whatever works best for you Rajan. Repeat this exercise over and over again until you can reproduce the shape clearly.You will, sooner or later, Once youre able to deal with simple shapes, try this exercise with a more complex shape (like a star or a letter of the alphabet.). Now, I am able to keep the image of my window effortlessly for ~10 seconds (+ 3-5 seconds disolving) but more than that: I can see the fine texture of the window curtain. Of course you can choose some relaxing meditation music to boost your level of relaxation while doing the other exercises. It really depends on the type of visualization and your level of waking consciousness. Now I personally wouldnt recommend someone do what I did simply to try and get mental images while you were in that transition from awake and falling asleep to capture but I did think that was itneresting. I like to imagine a canvas (white, back, blue, ..) because somehow it helps to have the canvas texture to paint on. Stay at it and keep us posted please! Today during image streaming I was able to see a few vague images of cartoon cars. Also use images that are meaningful to you and evoke emotions (breathtaking landscapes, images of your goals, family photos, ). These are the answers i was looking for, thank you! Repeat this with different colors and different shades. Even if you can get the slightest improvement within that time period, then Jackpot keep going. Depending on how important this is to you: instead of declaring your endeavors as failed I suggest you take a break of 2-3 days, then test some other approaches. (though they were opposite blue is red, red is blue etc). What is frustrating is not only that I am not seeing mostly anything, but after trying hardly (moderately hard), I only can see extremely blurry images which stays almost 1~2 seconds . ->Staying disciplined. 5. the lane you must change into Yes, I can confirm you that it worked for me and other people who started from scratch like you too. In your experience once you were able to see static images could you then rotate them at will on auto pilot without having to porcess the manual rotations.. In other words were black boxes in your mind rotating,. Aphantasia is a spectrum, like autism is a spectrum. I know I keep repeating this but, what you focus on, you strengthen. 2. Dont give up on it and keep at it. While awake I can think only in words and concepts. You may want to test for yourself much much is good for you. And, I was kinda taken aback because I couldnt see a thing in my mind. Another thing I picked up again is memorization (quotes, content of books, vocabulary, ) So much more enjoyable with good visualization skills. Maybe because I was very focused all the time, paying attention. I have not felt that its been a waste of time, but I do admit that Im a bit discouraged. This one is tough. Maybe you could use the videos images as after-images. I think, if Id be standing in your shoes, Id work on it at least 3 months to really proof to myself that, I can either get your minds vision back or not. Unfortunately it didnt help (not for visualization or anything, even though it carries some science behind it). I tried for many hours in these three days because I am truly desperate. How does it feel and smell? like you I could only ever see black when I closed my eyes. That line is a little bit greenish, I can rotate any direction and move around but thats it. With this scenario I might find myself having to drop the road I was looking for in favor of paying attention to safety issues and then once I miss the road perhaps some of those other things I had to pay attention to right before my turn came will not be an issue and so now I can backtrack and make that turn without the stop light, and lane change for example eliminating the amount of things needing to be manually processed at the same time. (Try it now.). For example, I am unable to see the shapes Ive drawn on piece of paper (ironwheals first exercise) because the white piece of paper appears black to me so I cant see anything Ive drawn. I appreciate your efforts here and believe it will help some who are mildly different. Thank you again and when Ill visualise, it will be because of you. So I was wondering would trying to visualize problems and solve them using visualization be worth using as a technique to practice or do you think it best to just stick with the known ones that work that you listed. Thanks for the reply. Wish me luck. Keep your eyes open as if youre daydreaming and let your mind wander over its entire surface for a minute. thank you so much! Or, think, How would it look and smell like if I poured a steaming cup of coffee over a stack of white paper? If so, then you know mental images. Begin with the very first thing you did when you woke up and go through your whole day in sequence. Personally, I started rehearsing my future goals with their associated actions finally in vivid detail and clarity. Please dont give up man, I will not stop, i want get better so so much, but its may be impossible. Aphantasia allows you to view (process?) I needed rest but I wanted to make up my sleep at night and not take a cat nap in the middle of the afternoon. What can you do with it? Its never worked once. Last night I visualized my wedding day with my future husband, and tried to go deep into details to see details such as folds on the wedding dress, my hand holding flowers, or my future husbands well-shaved beard. Once you received an impression through your eyes, you basically recall or recreate the initial impression. [1] X Trustworthy Source American Psychological Association Leading scientific and professional organization of licensed psychologists Go to source Close your eyes and picture a goal that you have in mind. Then, move ahead and increase complexity. But interestingly: after closing my eyes, first 3-5 seconds were dark. Persist and dont allow yourself to get discouraged. Imagine youd need to describe (from memory) the flame to an artist. My visuals are just as vague and distant as when I started. How often has this thought frustrated you to the point of wanting to throw away your art supplies? Now that youre receiving an after-image (even though its unstable) you can get a feel for visualization. Then create a vision board (either a real one, or online) and give it a prominent I couldnt see the candle too much (few times only). Marko, I dont know how to thank you. Thanks again. P.S. I just wanted to know if you guys started from absolute zero in terms of mental imagery. Is there any sort of trick of how I look at the items Im supposed to imagine? Heres one of my favortie videos. For this exercise youll need your dearest cellphone and some other phone, such as you home landline. Awesome. Marko. It has the same effect. UnChainMyBrain@2019 - All Right Reserved. But no more additions. Will this help me imagine the fiction I am reading? I went out to drive for 30 minutes around my city. For them its always been normal.. I guess I wouldnt know if mental rotation is strong or weak until I start seeing static images and see if they rotate automatically but once I can develop the ability to see static images I am wondering if you would recommend the same principles for rotation as you recommend for simply seeing the static image. I see people, objects all random, nothing controllable. So, if you find you get better results using a different approach, please keep at it. So, thank you and God Bless. Got discouraged when reading about this subject and peoples experience. Are you telling me you were initially seeing afterimages and then one day you were also able to construct mental images? I thought that I am hallucinating but I have no idea how an hallucination looks like :) To train your whelp in a given mode, follow these instructions: Haste buff: Stand within the healing target dummies in Valdrakken and cast on yourself; Crit buff: Stand in the middle of nowhere and target yourself; Single target damage: Find an isolated mob and target it; AoE damage: target the cleave target dummies in Valdrakken; Single target heal: Target In my experience it helps to say out lout what you want to see (or what your already seeing) to give it stability and clarity. Dont just do what you read here. When you look into a light source then close your eyes, youll see a bright duplicate (usually fades quickly), no matter how good your visualization skills are. Yes, it may take you several months to get better, but then, this is extraordinarily valuable skill youll be able to benefit from all your life. To my mind, there are three depths or levels of visualization: Level One - The Mind's Eye. If thats the case, one may practice in daylight, or use fluorescent or LED lighting, or even go really old-school and use candles or oil/kerosene lamps (which also add to the atmosphere if youre doing something occult). What is its shape like? But I know from many women in my manifesting community that they have a problem with this. I could not even picture something as simple as a circle. I tell you after i get more progress, but for me very important is that this exercises to see any changes can take more than just 1 month, before when i stop train imagination after 1 month, i dont saw any progres and stop with thinking i will never done that. Be it a table, desk, chair, shelving or otherwise, ensure what you buy serves its purpose for use. Try it foor at least a week, 10-20 min a day. To not quit yet. I have no other problems suffered no trauma it is just who i am and I am one of those who will never be able to visualise. Marko, I have done these exercises in the past. Do you have any questions at all? Ive actually been doing these types of techniques for years now. Is still blurry and I have no idea what exactly is. Thank you. Here are my results so far. In the beginning, I mostly stuck visualisation exercises that focus on creating a visual afterimage. In terms of conjuring up images I want to that has not come to me. Ive heard of a lot of people getting very relaxed or sleepy when they do visualisation exercises. Its a whole other story if your mental imagery is simply off. Maybe it happens more often or more forcefully to those that struggle with visualising. From my personal experience (and from others who emailed me) aphantasia merely means that the specific mental muscle responsible to fashion visual imagery lacks practice. First of all: Im spechless. I started with zero ability to visualize while awake (e.g., to actually see images). I tried with part 2 and 3 but na. THis I believe is the goal that we all want (but with control of course). Cause I thought I didnt have the ability to visualize since I could not see anything but blackness behind my closed eyelids But I can see in my head.. Like memory wise. Now in order to develop mental rotation skills using the glass scenario would I then physically turn the mug around so the handle was on the left side when you looked at it straight on and then try to pay attention to details of how the mug looked, before it was rotation and after it was rotating and then do the close eye and open eye exercise. When I came back home, imediately Ive tested myself looking at the triangle on paper for ~5 seconds and I closed my eyes. I could even see the paper at some point. Using Image Streaming to Learn Visualization, Best Exercises to Improve Focus and Concentration. I feel the need to feed my eyes with lots of images, such as films, paintings, drawings and I am quite imaginative. Ive done the exercises for a week, and I was able to see the afterimages. While in bed, but yet not asleep, Ive seen several clear visual images that come to me but they only last for a second or two. What does it mean that I could do this on the first day??? Once again, visualize, correcting the difference. Most of them are vivid (like in my dreams) and very few of them has music/sound. Thinking of using a crayon or a paintbrush to paint makes it more tangible. And as can remember, i had this hashimoto my whole life, so i may think this is really the cause of my nondeveloping brain. Theres this thing that happens after a while, where you switch your conscious attention from your actual eyeballs to your minds eye. How do I know that I an improving ? This works for me when I realize I try to see with my eyes instead of my mind. Or are you saying try to visualise what is in the videos of the guided meditations? I can only visualize in my dreams. Never knew that people actually see things in their head like I do in my dreams. So the last 2 days I was a reasearch machine. With the guided meditations, do you mean listen to the sound whilst you do the above exercises? Id like you to try this guided mediation/hypnosis from Michael Sealey. Personally, I would affirm to myself the positive outcome of being able to confront the situation and gaining control over ittaking a deep breath, deepening relaxation and trying again. Thanks for putting up this post. Today Ill start doing everything I can. Yes, Ive been through all this. Visualization is kinda like dreaming while being awake. As you have succeeded in visualizing, among these which exercises were most beneficial for you (surely some of them should be more beneficial than the other) ? I dont have total aphantasia but my visualization skills have always been very, very poor to the point that they might as well not exist. At first I thought it was working, I did seem to be getting slightly better. End of Week #4 In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Address: 156th Street & Waterford Road, Urbandale. Then, and this is most important, describe out LOUD what you see in as much DETAIL as possible. dark colors appear light, light colors appear dark). How to Visualize What You Read for Better Retention and Comprehension, How to Motivate Yourself with Visualization in 8 Steps, How Do I Get Motivated to Meditate Daily: 7 Little Known Ways. The more you resist unwanted images the more the unwanted images try to appear. By the way, you dont need to watch these videos on YouTube. Im the same. Lets work on getting better. The only way you can get better (both in clarity and stability) is to practice a lot. I am clearly seeing words (I wrote on a piece of paper), but only when I am practising. i cant say i see stuff in my mind , but im really sure that when i visualize i dont see my eyelids or blackness . Its a great training for your visualization skill plus you imprint your wins to your subconscious mind. I see several of them every day during image streaming (which I do for about 45 minutes). Sorry for the grammar errors above. You could exercise with some simple objects or, what I love to do, go to Flickr and experiment with some of the many breathtakingly beautiful photos there. There are fun water features, plenty of I didnt use a candle Yesterday I used my iMac (youtube was open, no fullscreen) and today my window (natural light). Id say, sensing is part of visualization. Im happy to know Im doing it correctly and Im not full on mentally blind. I also kind of fly over imaginary cities. After ~1 hour I could see the triangle. The colors were pretty clear (sometimes moving, sometimes static, very persistent). If you were able to have those skills before you started seeing mental images how did you know you had them. I cannot control them. For example use visual and auditory senses in one visualisation. I read through the the whole process and from what I know about the brain and the mind you make sense. Imagining lemon halves and its smell etcWhatever really, but not anything difficult (I havent tried an actual photo and I dont want to). Commit more details to memory.Do this for max. But this might be different for each individual. If you have aphantasia, then it is not possible to learn how to visualize. You can do this with closed eyes and with open eyes. Keep practicing and youll gain both clarity and stability. I was shocked and amazed at the same time. Accept Read More. But myself, I actually never watch the videos. When ill finally beat this trouble i will post again! With your eyes locked intently on the scene, click your brains camera shutter by blinking your eyes once at half speed. Please check out the article as Ive added an extra exercise. Yeah, the swirling/cascading stuff is strange try image streaming on them (record with your phone) and listen later. Also, 3-5 minutes of breathing practice greatly improve visualization results energizing your body and calming your mind. Only about 10% can really see images like a movie; for others, it is often more like thoughts. Thanks for your response. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment Ive managed to complete the whole track only once. After youve overcome the initial phase of seeing nothing, try focusing more on details when you observe an object (before visualizing it). On a related subject, last night I had lucid dream with a tactile component. I am trying to focus on keeping those flashes more than 2s. I plan on trying out the techniques you listed for a couple of months, I have a question and would like to hear if you think this could help my visualization process. Close your eyes again and bring your mental image closer to the original one. Light a candle and take a seat in a comfortable chair about 3 feet in front of it. I notice that if I even notice the outside world at all, I am often at a loss of words to describe it. Eventually they will dissipate if you just view them clinically without any emotional reaction. Open your eyes, soak up more details of the shape. Just do what youre already doing and: Lengthen the max. But it didnt happen. I am practicing from the past one month, (I started from almost zero), and I can conjure mental pictures in my head, but they lacks clarity to a very great extend. An additional tip when you listen to their videos is to zoom in into the details. I think the alcohol has nothing to do with it, but it made me laugh the secund day when I remembered that happened, anyways I could see, touch and hear. Like, This shape is filled with a deep blue, like the blue of phone case., I have recently started to do that, (for around three to four days), with absolutely zero gains. Compare the look, feel and sound of the real call with your mental image. Jamie Redknapp has admitted that he never expected to see Wout Weghorst in a Manchester United shirt during his career.. It's merely a thought. For example, the very first image in Exercise #2 is a red ball on a black/gray background. Read a line and internally replay it on your mental screen. If you like to find out more, keep reading, First, let me give you a quick intro about my story. The next thing I want to achieve is being able to smell and taste things. I always suggest to experiment with different exercises and see for yourself what works best for you. Do you think that developping my visualization skills i could solve this problems? Set the mood straight and turn your lights off, maybe light a candle while youre at it to give it more of a spiritual higher power feeling. I have always had dreams, often in color, but very rarely lucid dreams. The most vivid memory in that short period of time was music blaring and a colorful dancing stereo. Sit comfortably, take you cellphone and observe carefully it for about 1 minute. Butler gives you lots of examples and exercises on how to imagine what you read. This is the music I like to listen but I get the same results without music. This should be easy to differentiate because the afterimage you see the image of what you were just starting at (with the colors in negative like explained on wikipedia) while an actual mental image is an image of something that you havent just been staring at. Thanks again for your website. THIS. Or are both valid for practicing? It will take practice not to fall asleep while doing this, but well worth it. When I come back, before to jump in my bed to continue my sleep, a very vivid image apeared instantly. Even though Ive been practicing for only a few days, I have a feeling Im able to hold onto the after image for a fraction of a second longer sometimes. #3. 3. However, when I turned away this once and opened my eyes and stared at a white wall in my room, I felt like I saw a shadow resembling the flame of the candle, but with no colours. The trick is you have to let them wash over you, even if they are horrific, just look at them and think well at least Im seeing *something*. 1) because of my summer job and the lack of energy etc. Its kind of like the aurora borealis, sometimes swirling or cascading. According to certified life coach Sydney Axelrod, it's important to get clear on what you want from your goals. 1. Describe to yourself what you should see. For some people it appears to be easier. Im interested since I would like to try to see images myself. Hi Luke! You just IMAGINE it with high enough level of detail. So visualization/imagination, was always a set of toughts for me. Eyes Opened & Eyes Closed That said, listening to guided meditations of walking through a forest or putting my hand in a cool stream I cant seem to visualize either. In your visualization, be the first Now I think probably this would have been the beginnings of some dream (i.e. Only, I can imagine things I have a tendency to create whole storylines when Im bored and theyve never felt lacking, I just cant SEE them. Did this happened to you ? Use an imaginary pen and retrace details (outlines, sub-shapes, light reflections, colors, ) while observing. Its not like seeing actually, more like sensing . Im trying to work out whether I actually have this or if Im just overreacting (like normal!). Anyway in these 40 days i missed some days, even 2-4 in a row where i didnt practice ( for lazyness or because in some days i had too many thoughts to focus on visualization). Perhaps the prehensile toes on the feet can do it? Daniele. With plenty of scenarios BUT most often without details, influence or anything. :) I havent used this skill on a daily basis. Perhaps throw in some variation. I will try again. Can you describe it? If this exercise works, it would be a major breakthrough. Do you find that starting from scratch gives you complete control? Try adding new images to avoid boredom. Found a different aphantasia cure? Took a longer than intended break. On select days throughout the year, Williamsburg museums offer free admission to visitors. 1) After staring at an image on my screen Im now able to see an afterimage for about 20-30 seconds. It looks just like the candle and Im aware its there, but it fades too quickly to hold onto, sometimes I can barely see it. This is the particular after-image you should try to hold on to. For privacy reasons, I wont be able to post anything from any emails here on my blog. But the question how you visualize the image? That greenish spot is little bit more visible and I can reshape it: circle/disk or a disk with a hole in the center. Last question: Do i have to practise all five exercises everyday? I really enjoyed the tune and tried to youtube the song while dreaming but to no avail. Hello this is more of a comment then a question today. If I meditate more than 15-25 minutes, swirlings you describe appear and if I focus on that movement trying to see patterns/shapes, at some point clips are comming, like are hidden on those patterns (I see many clips, as long as I keep meditating; I also open my eyes from time to time (for 2-3 seconds) and clips are comming when I close my eyes back looks like the brain remains in the same state but opening your eyes from time to time will keep you more aware, without that sleepy sensation). Observe the spot for 10-15 seconds, then close your eyes and try to hold the mental image of it for about 2-3 seconds, then open your eyes and repeat. So, please send me an email or leave me a comment on this post. # Youre on the right track. Next, I could hold onto these afterimages and make small adjustments (like changing colors, size, and shape). Then, someone in the comments asked me about it, . I have some questions, again: this exercise that im practising works only for memory or also to increase visualization skills? Awesome! So Ill keep doing everyday, no matter what! Take it easy and perhaps take one or two days off from exercising just make sure youll continue soon. No matter how hard you try to imagine yourself a different color, youll stay the same. This happened when I was tired and deeply relaxed. Visualise at night with open eyes after turning off the light ? Im having less luck creating images on command. Hi Leo, I think you can compare the visualization process to something like this: My question is, how long did it take you to go from seeing afterimages to a mental image? I want to start again, and this time i want to to do it seriously. I have one question Marko, have your short-term memory improved? Or is this maybe a bit more advanced? Would you please consider having a place on your site where you collect and display success stories? 10. Marko, Hi Marko, when you say go to imagine a green Star do you just do it without thinking, making it by scratch or do you do it by saying to your mind show me a green Star and for me I would then likely see a green Star from memory. That explains why I can imagine objects in the correct color, but could never see objects I was looking at on my screen to appear in the correct color. Or I might think of a soda tin, and while I cant see it, I can sort of feel the shape of it, and even turn it or spin it or whatever without seeing anything. My mother is very good at visualisation (she once painted a painting in her head) so maybe Ill have this ability too in a while. I think my short term memory improved indeed. The worst part is that I am not a child, I dont have the whole life in front of me and I feel like I am running out of time. I understand your frustration and, let me assure you, this is normal. You know, people reading that youre curing aphantasia will get excited and encouraged to follow your footsteps. :(, Sorry for English. Breath life into your goals by adding all the details youd want to see. Today its a circle, tomorrow a square, then a triangle, and so on. Jim Harbaugh dropped out of the running for the Broncos head coaching gig yesterday, ahead of todays interview between Denver and Sean Payton. Waste of time, but well worth it mostly stuck visualisation exercises next thing I want to to do seriously. Were pretty clear ( sometimes moving, sometimes swirling or cascading a.. Exercises in the center used this skill on a related subject, last night I had dream... As vague and distant as when I come back, before to jump my... Again: this exercise works, it is often more like sensing Jackpot keep going % can really images! Dreams ) and very few of them has music/sound 3-5 seconds were dark I am truly desperate clinically. 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